Join Our Path to Youth Empowerment
Early Intervention for Youth Success. A pivotal initiative targeting early intervention to deter juvenile delinquency among youth aged 13-15.
The "Pathways to Promise: Early Intervention for Youth Success," initiative stands to deliver significant economic benefits to Franklin County and its residents. The program's investment in youth, particularly those at risk of entering the juvenile justice system, is expected to yield both immediate and long-term economic advantages:
Reduction in Juvenile Justice
System Cost
Early intervention with at-risk youth cuts costs by preventing delinquency, redirecting funds from corrective to preventive programs.
Increased Educational
"Pathways to Promise" enhances education outcomes, boosting graduation rates and post-secondary enrollment. This translates to higher lifetime earnings, lower unemployment, and a thriving local economy.
Leveraging Community
The initiative leverages local resources through partnerships with organizations, schools, and businesses, multiplying the impact of invested funds. This collaborative strategy boosts program effectiveness and instills community ownership and investment in its success."
Attracting Additional
Effective youth engagement and crime prevention initiatives draw more public and private investment to the community. This can mean increased funding for educational institutions, community centers, and local businesses, elevating the area's economic standing.
Enhanced Workforce
"Pathways to Promise" cultivates future workforce through mentorship, after-school activities, and career exploration, enhancing employability and boosting community's economic vitality.
Prevention of Future Crime and Associated Costs
The program curbs juvenile delinquency, averting future crimes and fostering safer communities. This not only reduces law enforcement costs but also attracts businesses and residents, spurring economic growth.
Stimulating Local
Participants and families reinvest increased earnings into the local economy, driving demand for goods and services. This fuels economic growth, bolstering local businesses and potentially generating employment opportunities
Long Term Economic
Effective youth engagement and crime prevention initiatives draw more public and private investment to the community. This can mean increased funding for educational institutions, community centers, and local businesses, elevating the area's economic standing.
CLCWorks is actively seeking funding to sustain and expand this impactful program. Your support can help us continue our mission of diverting youth from the criminal justice system and fostering lifelong success